

My services as an editor and writer are tailored to the project and needs of the client. If you’re interested in working together, please email me a description of the project. If it’s something I’m interested in and able to take on, I’ll respond, asking for more information. After I review the material, we can discuss the process, timetable, and potential cost. The most common type of projects I take on include:

Proposal Development

A book proposal is typically the starting point for any nonfiction project, where you explain why someone will want to take on your project (and why it will sell!). Whether it’s a how-to about surfing, a biography of a legendary actor, or history of cheese (sorry, it’s been done) I will work with you to come up with a proposal for your project that stands out among the many that come across the desk of an agent or editor.

Manuscript Consulting

Maybe you’ve written a memoir or novel and want professional feedback. Maybe you’re a short story writer with a story or collection that needs another set of eyes. Maybe you’re stuck on a nonfiction project and need some guidance on how to move forward or someone to bring your ideas to the page.  I will read your manuscript and provide feedback (written responses, phone conversations, etc.) with recommendations, whether large scale or small, to help you move forward with your manuscript.


It’s great to have an idea for a great book. It’s another thing to have the time and energy to get it done. Through discussions, interviews, review of any notes, and any other material you bring, I will turn your idea into a tangible manuscript that speaks to your vision of the work.